
On Tokenism...


"Niggas want me everywhere I'm yelling out 'sorry
there's only one of me like white girls with black Barbies'." 

Childish Gambino on the societal impact of veiled attempts at diversity and liberalism.

This line is dope on a number of different levels. It is so simply stated yet conveys something so deep. Operating from the understanding that for many years white dolls were the only option for all children, there are many parents of non-black or brown children who for years it never occurred to to have a diversity of toys that look like the world, and not just their circle, or town. I would argue that in modern society more families have made more "attempts" diversity but if not done thoughtfully these can be viewed merely as token efforts.

The lack of black characters (never mind the lack of diversity of those characters themselves!) in movies, television, and the media on the whole continues to be problematic. Seinfeld supposedly took place dead in the middle of New York and their wasn't a brother to be seen!

This is what makes Jon Stewart's "Senior Black Correspondent" idea so brilliant, because all you really need is one.

Next time you are flipping through a brochure-for ANYthing, or flipping through magazines or channels keep your eyes open for the "one".

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