Today is the present future of yesterday
Yesterday is the shadow of today
The darkness of the past is yesterday" - Quasimoto
Not much to post lyric-wise in regards to the new year. Instead of posting Skills' annual New Year "Rap-up" I figured I'd try to freak it a little differently.
I am not big on resolutions in terms of specific goals, but I do have a few guiding principles I would like to live under. In general I want to be more nimble, in thought and in physical frame.
Life has been seeming to go by so fast lately and I want to be swifter to get with it, in all ways. This made me think of three hip-hop related things.
I thought of somehting Big Pun said as an ad-lib during the chorus on "It's So Hard" from Yeeeeah Baby.
"I just lost 100 pounds. I'm tryin to live, I ain't going nowhere."
Granted I am not dealing with morbid obesity as did Pun however, it does not take long, and life moves fast.
While I don't believe in hard and fast goals, I am however at the point where I am sick of having this conversation with myself and am in a no excuses mode. The alternative is not an option.
Which made me think of "Plan B" by Tanya Morgan.
Later, my mind went on to the reality of the Universe. Eb and flow, negative and positive balance. But mostly living for the now, in this moment. Which then brought me to two songs, "Shadows of Tomorrow" by Madvillain featuring Quasimoto and Madlib and Regrets by Jay-Z.
Music has always guided the way for me. This year will be no different