
Camay - Homeboy Sandman

One late night at work 3 years ago there were only four people in the building, me, two female co-workers and the night custodian. One of my colleagues came to my classroom and asked if I was planning on leaving any time soon. I told her yes, but that the night custodian was still there. I don't remember her response but I could sense that she was still leery of being there. I didn't understand her hesitance. To me, the night custodian was harmless. Just as I was attempting to make sense of her unease, my other colleague walked into the room and was posed with the same question. Before she could even mention not wanting to be there with just the custodian the second colleague almost finished her sentence. It was like she knew exactly what she was feeling. They shared a giggle and left. I left. It took me a while to understand what they understood.

Some woman hold the flat stance of, "It's never okay to approach a woman in public. Period." I will never know what it is like to walk the world as a woman. Public transportation. Late night home. Or just a  regular day. To have to be cautious about what you wear, where you are, and when. From cat calls, to horn honks, to "Hey beautiful" to "Why don't you smile?"  Entire websites have been dedicated to outing such "offenders".  The comment section in Jezebel is filled with women excoriating men and their actions of "coming on to them." I know enough to know what I don't know. I get it. I get that I don't get it.

That said......

I understand, while this is certainly an equality issue to be contended with, it is also to some degree, an issue of culture and class. City living vs suburban politleness. Northeast US uptightness vs southern hospitality. A norm in Madrid Spain could be an outrage in Windsor, Connecticut. However I grew up watching some of my uncles and other older male figures attempt to start conversations with people (mostly women) on the "streets" all of the time. Toll booth workers, receptionists, women at the bus stop and sales clerks. The comments ranged from innocuous pleasantries to flirtatious chatter. It was done with style, humor, grace, and most of all, respect.  I couldn't wait til I got old enough to be able to spark and sustain a witty banter in the same mold. Now I 'd likely be maced, or worse, put on blast by some feminist blog.

I wish that there was still room for this without women feeling threatened. Whether it is innocent, or an attempt to court.

Anywhos, this post will be the the first in a reoccurring series dedicated to lines, verses, or songs in the same spirit as those conversations mentioned before. They will vary. Some will be real conversations from dates, others will be street courting. Some will be respectful and witty, others will be offensive and borderline harassment. All, however will be well writ as well as well spit. All of my reoccurring posts have a title that is drawn right from the topic itself. Vomitspit, Come Back Like Jordan, and  7MCs are all representative of lyrics or song titles by particular artists (DOOM, Jay-Z and Rakim). "Camay's" will be a nod to Ghostface Killah. 

First up for Camay is Couple Bars by Homeboy Sandman...

I decided to use this song because it captures the spirit of what I'm attempting convey above. Nonthreatening, earnest even. The whole "follow her onto the bus" part can be seen as creepy but this is at least someone she knows already.  The title is taken from the end of the song where he acknowledges that it is okay that she seems disinterested because he wrote "a couple bars" and thanks her for "inspiring a hot song".

 This song is dense with high-level wordplay said with ease. Honestly, I am not quite sure where to start talking about this. Eveytime I try to pull it apart, the very next set of bars jumps out at me in the same way. No clutter. All connected. Instead I will just highlight some of my favorite lines.

"I'll never put you second for a second, you're no Robinson Cano
I don't know if you're into sports but I am hoping so"

A future "7 MCs" post?

"I'll run atop a rainbow and I'll snatch a pot of gold
I'll dump the gold and use the pot to make you platanos
I won't even pot a rose for you, I'll pot a grove
I ain't even got a home for you, I got a globe
Solar system doesn't even got a lot of those
I'm your prince, princess you ain't gotta kiss a lotta toads

"Yo, why ain't you returning my text message, yo?
Won't you stop being such a ice queen
You're supposed to be sweet to me"

I love the use of hyperbole here to show her the lengths of which he'd go in order to make her happy.

"Perpetually I keep it on the humble
I ain't on the hunt, or only tryna hump
I'd be a monkey's uncle
I pray you don't mistake yourself for prey
Or me for lame and tryna kick some game to try to get some play
That'd be a shame"

Here he provides a disclaimer should she simply lump him in with the other men who "kick game", and also hopes that she doesn't view herself that way

I'm not even single now
In my heart and mind we're already a duo
I already switched from acting singular to acting plural

From metta....

If I painted I'da painted you a mural
If I worked at Subway, my future mate, I woulda made a Hero


To silly and fun ...

Beautiful song and lovely video.


"I'm getting texts
I'm like, 'Oh is that her?' - 'Oh it's not her'
'Oh is that her?' - 'Oh it's not her'
Shit is
Four days of this shit
I'm tryna concentrate

I had a dream about you
It was bugged, soon as I woke I wrote it out
So I could roll it out before you like a red carpet
Not a carpet colored red, a carpet made out of the color itself
Every strand was wove by summer itself
Lemme be as helpful to you as Santa's elf
I'm rocking wedding bells, a wedding ring in my utility belt
I ain't tryna gas you, know you ain't tryna belch
I'll make waffles that are Belgian, do my bestest for your breakfast in bed
Breathe my breath upon your breasteses and legs
Baby run for prez, I'll vote
I'm fearless from the feelings you evoke
Okey dokey you can open up my nose
I'll never put you second for a second, you're no Robinson Cano
I don't know if you're into sports but I am hoping so
I noticed you're a glowing indigo
It would be an honor just to roll with you, let's make the honor roll
I'll run atop a rainbow and I'll snatch a pot of gold
I'll dump the gold and use the pot to make you platanos
I won't even pot a rose for you, I'll pot a grove
I ain't even got a home for you, I got a globe
Solar system doesn't even got a lot of those
I'm your prince, princess you ain't gotta kiss a lotta toads
Genuine article, wish I was your articles of clothes
Just a particle of cotton on your cones
That'd be the most wonderful destiny ever
Only possibility possibly better than being a stitch on your sweater
Is being human and me and you together
Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
Now or never isn't true
I'd prefer now, but whatever's good with you, that'll do
We could date until the doc give a date when the baby due
I can call you honey, sugar, darling, sweetie, baby, boo
You're so hot, sue me for being in hot pursuit
When a situation's opportune, I'm a proper troop
I step up to the front, I don't front though
I've got you under my skin, but nothing fungal
Perpetually I keep it on the humble
I ain't on the hunt, or only tryna hump
I'd be a monkey's uncle
I pray you don't mistake yourself for prey
Or me for lame and tryna kick some game to try to get some play
That'd be a shame
Next time I see you I am definitely gonna shave
Till then I'm doing push-ups tryna get in better shape
And taking in some sun to try and tan my skin a couple shades
Let's be a couple, babe
Let me keep you company
Let me in the door so I can make sure that you're living comfortably
I can practically guarantee that I'm your cup of tea
Follow my lead and take this loaded magazine and cover me
That's all I gotta say, at least for now
If you allow I'll say it every single hour
I'm not even single now
In my heart and mind we're already a duo
I already switched from acting singular to acting plural
If I painted I'da painted you a mural
If I worked at Subway, my future mate, I woulda made a Hero
To celebrate the miracle you are
But I'm aight, and because I'm a writer I wrote a couple bars

So show me some love, yo
Can I get a shout-out, a simple conversation?
We could take a walk and after that if you don't wanna chill
we won't chill no further and I won't even sweat you
But thanks for inspiring a hot record either way

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