
Liner Notes

Rappers need to start leaving a written record of their lyrics, so that years down the line lyrical archeologist have a clear record of their intent. There are a number of "credible" sites with lyrics as a focus, however completely miss the mark with their interpretation and or dictation. I end up spending so much time editing and revising, that I realize I should have just typed them up myself...which I am far too lazy to do. The job of getting them right is just so daunting. First you have to have an ear for the type of flow, then you also have to be somewhat abreast on the slang and colloquialisms of the time and region of the artists. Depending on the emcee, you have to have some current event, history, and general worldly knowledge.

I will acknowledge that there are a number of ill lyricists for which this is not an issue (see straight forward, paint-by-numbers type of rappers. However there are many others who play with words, meanings, and annunciation so often that it makes it next to impossible to decipher. There are also times when it is clear that the authors intent is to intentional blur or meld sounds together so as to give the illusion of a homonym, but actually creating an entire new word all together

I am also beginning to wonder is some of these are even meant to be written down. I mean, I am operating under the assumption that these lines and phrases are written down. It could be that these masters of language use them because of how they sound...with no intention of how it could or should be written down. Hell, maybe it doesn't matter, and if that is their intent, then that is cool too. It just makes written documentation more difficult for fans and historians alike.

It is also clear that artists and fans alike get pissed when they are not quoted correctly, so why not just end all of the guess work write them up for us.

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