
"...she was teachin me...

" ...By not preachin to me but speakin to me
In a method that was leisurely
" - Common Sence

DOOM had a line that went something like, "What happened to the flow that'd helped a brother out?" I can't remember the exact quote but I thought of it the other day while listening to some Whodini with my 5 year old daughter. The reason the line popped into my head is because the lyrics from "One Love" and "Friends" were essential geared to provide a guide book into the do's and don'ts of relationships

"Now I think it's 'bout time, that we break it down
This is all about the love that we lost and found
About the love we missed, and the love we shared
About the love that just up and disappeared
About who was bout real and who was fake
So you can learn  from our mistakes"

"One Love" is a classic in my mind. Dope beat and meaningful rhymes. Even for their time, the rhymes schemes and pattern's would not be considered to be elaborate, however it was really less about flow then, and more about voice, voice inflection and delivery, and Ecstasy delivered in those categories.  

It is also powerful to hear...see, a group of men literally sitting around and speaking candidly about their feelings. Reflecting on relationships and what they have learned from them, in a respectful and thoughtful manner. Yeah it's a bit sappy, and yeah Whodini also had songs about Freaks, and getting to the "Good Part" too, but still, you just don't see this often anymore. Look, I'm not one of those dudes that think every song needs to positive, or have some kind of message. But I do think Hip-Hop music had a better balance of these kind of joints back in the day. Frank discussions about hurt, pain and emotion. Drake does it to a certain degree, I just wished he'd spit it more, and sing it less (despite the fact that I am on record as feeling a bunch of Drake's singing joints as well!).

Anyway, watch the video, if not for the dance moves, then definitely for the fly 80's Italian leather sportswear!

The L(echo 3x)
The O(echo 3x)
And the V (echo 3x)
The E(echo 3x)
Love (echo 3x)
Love (echo 3x)
Love (echo 3x)
Verse 1:
The words love and life both have four letters
But their two, different things all together
'cause I've liked many ladies in my day
But just like the wind, they've all blown away
See, to love someone is a atmosphere
That you both still share when ones not there
There's real way, it can be explained
I guess it's the way I smile, when I hear your name
It's the little things that you do, that mean so much
It's the care that you put into every touch
It's the way I touch you  and you touch me
I guess some of us are so lucky
I was known ,for having, the upper hand
I was known as a stone cold ladies man
If it wasn't for you, I'd be that way still
But lately there's a change, in Jalil
though my friends play games, and tease me a lot
I know I'm more than happy, with what I got
When I get up in the morning, and go to work
See all day long, I stay alert
'Til we come home at night, and close your door
Two people sharing, one common cause
When I say one love, you can trust me
'cause never have I been so lucky
And we represent like this)
[Jalil & Ecstacy]
One Love, One Love
You're lucky just to have just One Love
Verse 2:
Now the love I use to have just left me cold
I use to buy everything from diamonds to gold
At first I thought she'd left me 'cause I didn't buy her enough
But then she left me note along with all of my stuff
Said 'maybe one of these days, you'll have to learn
That love is something, that you gotta to earn
And once you earn it,  gotta know how to keep it
You got to want it, as well as you need it'
To have lost love, was a hurtin' lesson
But to have had love, was a  definite blessing
Now I know what the Beatles were thinking of
When they said that money can't buy me love
When you say you lost love, what do you mean
I just went through the exact same thing
Mine was lost for a whole different reason
I lost my love because of cheatin'
Started going through the streets, all day and night
I guess greedy best describes such a appetite
I Wish I had her back but it remains a wish
Guess a bird in the hand, beats two in the bush
I'd Like to thank you girl, for teaching me love
But all and all, I had a ball
Guess it's better to have loved and to have lost
Than to never have loved at all
Now I think it's 'bout time, that we break it down
This is all about the love that we lost and found
About the love we missed, and the love we shared
About the love that just up and disappeared
About who was real and who was fake
So you can learn, from our mistakes
Cuz see it was already written, done and said
So you can stay, two steps ahead
The L(echo), is for the love which you give
The O(echo), is for the one we live
And the V(echo), is for the vibrant letter
The E means may we last forever (echo ever 7x)
Chorus: 2x

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