
Comeback like Jordan wearin the 4-5 - Action Bronson

"Steer the whip with one arm like Jim Abbott" - Action Bronson Midget Cough

Jim Abbot managed to get over 80 Major League wins with one hand. Additionally, this line jumped out for me because I have been re-learning to drive ever since my shoulder surgery.  Not easy...


Imagery - Raekwon the Chef

"This is Staten, captain, Lieutenant half black man
I rhyme like I'm on a slave ship selling crack" - Raekwon the Chef The Heater

Man, not quite sure what to do with this little dandy courtesy of Shallah. Could be nothing. Could be everything.


Imagery - Biggie Smalls

"I got techniques dripping out my but cheeks
Sleep on my stomach so I don't fuck up my sheets" - The Notorious B.I.G. - Ready To Die


Vomitspit - Jay Electronica

"Man Ebola'd the land then he Small-poxed the witnesses..." Jay Electronica from My World (Nas Salute)

Jay Elec's interpretation on the destruction that humans/colonist wreaked on various parts of the world. He uses the example of the Native Americans being handed blankets infested with small pox to support his point.

In another case for the need for lyrics written in the liner notes, there is some question as to what Jay says after "Man". I have read "embroidered", "broidered", etc. While I don't hear a definitive "L" sound in the word he says, I certainly an "r" sound either. I just made the connection since he was already talking about one disease, that he had to mean the Ebola virus-just turning the word into an adjective with the "ed" or "d" at the end.

Listen for yourself. The line comes at about the 2:24 mark


Vomitspit - JD Era

"All we do is see numbers like an old school pager"

Mr. Era's reflections on the technological advances in mobile telecommunications over the past two decades.


Vomitspit - .38 Spesh

"Its time to separate the squealers and the killers
At an early age I became familiar with the dealers
And they showed me, I made mistakes, and they told me
At the end of the day, shit, they owed me"

38. Spesh sharing his thoughts on the value of apprenticeship. This is particularly relevant as we are in a time of the top 1%, and students leaving college deep in debt. Mr Spesh is harkening to a time where learning a skill from master craftsman and working your way to the top was more valued than getting knee deep in debt while sitting in an ivory tower learning business theory.

To hear the line in context hit the jump


Vomitspit - Drake

"Kobe bout lose a hundred fifty M's
Kobe my nigga I hate it has to be him
....Bitch you wasn't with me shooting in the gym!" - Drake

Aubrey's feelings on the court system that in a divorce allow women to be awarded half of the mans earnings and assets. While the courts originally began to skew this way to protect women who have given up careers to raise family's and run the home, Drake feels its unjust. To support his argument he sites the fact that overwhelming majority of labor that went into amassing the wealth- in this case of Mr Kobe Bean Bryant- was done by him, and him alone.

To hear the line in context hit the jump