
"My nikkas take no like Kobe" - M.E.D

Now, I don't take rape references lightly however during the the aftermath of the Kobe Bryant rape case, you could see how that line really stood out from the this West Coast spitter.

Since his darts on the Madvillainy album, and other random tracks here and there, I have been impressed with the dude. His voice and delivery are two things that standout to me.

That being said I went to the record store and bought, yes, bought at the record store, his most recent album.

I have heard a one or two songs that I liked, but this purchase was not really about that. Just kind of felt like I owed him (as well as Madlib) a few dollars. He puts in an honest effort, and I have enjoyed some of his work over the years so I figured I'd throw him a couple of dollars. Even if it is just symbolic. Been trying to make more of an effort to do that kind of stuff ever since Ghost guilted the hell out of me a few years ago with his diatribe against downloading.

"Black Power, Brown Pride..."

Anyway, this is a feel good song from homey MED repping his bi-racial roots.  One of my favorite parts is the scene with the kids sitting on the couch. They seem so happy. It made me smile.


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